Friday 24 May 2013

Recruitment and Performance Appraisal in the Software Industry in India

Recruitment and Selection Practices -Comparative study of Satyam computers Pvt Ltd and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)


Human Resource Management Topic for Writing Dissertation on Software Industry


Research Proposal and Synopsis on Performance Appraisal in the Software Industry in India


Introduction, Importance and Significance of the Study

In today’s fast-changing business environment IT is crucial for an organization to possess a highly qualified and motivated workforce in order to keep up with the fast pace of the market. The demand of competent personnel is increasing steadily, in particular for key-positions which require in-depth knowledge and expertise. In contrast, the ongoing demographic change in certain parts of the world makes the situation on the labor market even more difficult.  Besides the shortage of skilled labor, due to an ongoing demographic change and the increasing demand for skilled personnel, organizations have to face growing job mobility among their talented workforce. Whereas it was common to change companies just once or twice during the whole career ten years ago, there is a growing propensity to switch the job more often.

As a consequence, organizations are exposed to a continuous ‘battle’ for the best employees, which resulted in a fierce competition for skilled individuals on the labor market. Due to an increasing demand for professional staff, it becomes more and more difficult for organizations
to approach and recruit so called ‘high potentials’. Therefore, companies have shown an interest in differentiating themselves to a higher extent on the labor market when it comes to the ‘battle for talents’. 

A concept for the attraction and retention of skilled personnel is the so called Employer Branding, which has become more and more popular in recent years. The employer brand is a holistic concept of strategic brand management from the field of marketing. It helps organizations in the process of profiling themselves on the labor market as an employer of choice for future employees as well as to ensure organizational identification among current employees.
If someone takes the amount of highly qualified and motivated applicants into consideration,which had to be rejected, it becomes clear that a great and valuable opportunity is neglected by companies. When it comes to new vacancies in the future, the organization has to start the whole recruiting process from the beginning, which comes along with high costs and time effort. Instead, companies could build a long-term relationship with those high-potential candidates that could not be considered for the position. To this end, the Talent-Relationship-
Management (TRM) concept, based on the principles of Customer-Relationship-Management
(CRM), creates a dialogue with highly qualified applicants over a longer period of time in order to enable a consideration of the individual for a later vacancy.

The current economic landscape has changed dramatically. Product lifecycles have become shorter, products and services are threatened by substitutions and innovation is accelerating. Today’s ongoing business environment is driven by ongoing changes, globalization, growing complexity and changes in the nature of work. Therefore, it is crucial for organizations to possess a highly skilled and motivated workforce in order to succeed in today’s business environment. The above presented concepts of Employer Branding and TRM are two modern approaches, which could support companies effectively in their endeavour to approach, acquire and retain the right personnel. The Employer Branding approach, on the one hand, develops the corporate brand further and places the organization as a trustworthy and attractive company on the market. On the other hand, TRM creates an active relationship between an organization and in particular skilled applicants in order to sustain a pool of highly qualified candidates over a long-term base.

The objectives of the study are:

-   To appreciate the importance of recruitment and selection to organizational importance and competitive advantage;

  To investigate the internal and external determinants, which form an appealing employer brand.
-   To gain a deeper understanding of Recruitment and selection are often among the first HR functions to be outsourced.
-   To contribute to the development of theory as well as to derive practical implications for companies in order to extend and develop their organizational recruiting strategy.
  To a range of motivational and other problems, and suggest changes to recruitment and selection, career management, training, participation and involvement and pay policies.

  To critically analyse a range of evaluative standards that can be applied to selection techniques, including reliability, validity, adverse impact, utility and impact;

To evaluate recruitment and selection programmes, and make recommendations for their improvement.

Ho: Significantly effective Employer Branding strategy helps to attract, recruit and retain a high potential workforce in IT Companies

H1: Significantly effective Employer Branding strategy does not help to attract, recruit and retain a high potential workforce in IT Companies

Research Methodology

Given that the concepts of Employer Branding and TRM are two rather new approaches within the area of recruitment, it is important to shortly highlight the discipline of HRM in combination with its several functions. The aim is to not only classify the area of recruitment within HRM, but also to stress the overall importance of this function in comparison to the other dimensions. Based upon the solid background, the concept of Employer Branding with its functions is theoretically built up. Here, the intention has been to provide an extensive overview about the different dimensions of this approach in order to construct a conceptual framework with the aim to give guidance through the conducted interviews as well as to answer the  research objectives in a satisfactory way. Following, the concept of TRM has been explored in order to provide ample theoretical knowledge, which is essential for the construction of the questionnaire. In addition, the concept of Employer Branding has been enriched by drawing comparisons to the approach of Strategic Brand Management.

Research Method: Case study method, two case studies Satyam computers Pvt Ltd and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) will be analyzed to get a comprehensive understanding of the manifestations and understanding of HRM practices by the industry and its related bodies.
Data Collection: I will collect 5 years data from public forum like the internet, newspapers, annual reports, ect. Perspective from the media and other relevant stakeholders will be reviewed for this purpose.
Research design: the study employs the qualitative research technique.

Expected Contribution from the Study
The main focus in this project report in terms of secondary data lies on books written by researchers as well as scientific articles. To a lesser extent Internet sources have been used, which have provided an additional valuable insight into the areas of Employer Branding and TRM. Due to the fact that both concepts are relatively new approaches within the area of recruitment and retention, it turned out to be rather complicated to find adequate textbooks at the Library.
Apart from the secondary data collection for the theoretical part, an extensive literature search will be carried out to find scientific articles and textbooks, which will enrich the other parts of the project report as well.

A well structured questionnaire will be administered to 150 employees of TCS seeking their perceptions on the recruitment strategy adopted by the IT Company in the present scenario.

Limitations of the study

a)      One man study
b)      Sample size is 0.80% which can further be increased to be more specific for results.
c)      Primary and Secondary data have not been verified.
d)      This is a study/research of limited nature and similar research can be undertaken in other similar places.

This project report will contain 5 chapters.
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Research Methodology
4. Data Analysis and Interpretation
5. Recommendations and Conclusion

 If you want Dissertations, Thesis, Case Studies, Project Report on Employee Branding, Research Proposals, Term Papers, Research Projects, Assignments, Coursework, PowerPoint Presentations and Synopsis, than contact Mahasagar Publications, Mumbai, India by calling +91 9819650213 or +91 8081344446  or visit website


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